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Booking Equipment for Camps etc.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:33 am
by JoniBoyd
Dear Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and Scouters

To book equipment for upcoming activities, please complete the attached form and send it to me, Scouter Alan, at Please try to provide about two weeks of notice if you can. This allows the quartermaster to have time to make sure the equipment is repaired and ready to go, and some flexibility for you as to when you pick it up.

Equipment is due back to 931 Raftsman Lane in Convent Glen within two weeks. It must be clean, dry and complete. If any items require repair, please place a repair tag on the item. You can use your own tag or get one from the Quartermaster. If the equipment is broken, has pieces missing etc. please let me know in writing (my memory is good but it is short!!!).

Thanks for your help with this process.

Your Quartermaster,

Scouter Alan
931 Raftsman Lane