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Finances pretty good, havenТt heard otherwise Registration hit our 75.3% retention means we get to keep the discounted registration rate for the rest of the year AST Council Commissioner, Doug Hall, position is completed at end of July. Mike Gouat will be taking over those duties. Each group is supposed to appoint 3 representatives for the National AGM, ideally 1 is a youth. Obligation is to read the bios for the elections and vote. Alan Clapp Peter Holt Venturer? FriendFest starts February 15th Bringing a friend means the youth gets put into a ballot. $77.25 on March 1 is the National portion of the registration fee Odawa Area June camp June 5-7, Survivor is the theme Beaveree Ц Feb 7th Cubaree Ц Feb 7th, but our Cubs are going ice fishing Venturers, Deputy Area Commissioner is thinking about setting up a Facebook group. Would the youth use it? Scouts, Ope is having a March break program for Scouts working toward Chief Scout (3rd years) Beaver Sharing Ц Feb 1st Old Wolves Ц Feb 13th Scout FEST, April 18 in Smiths Falls. Going to be much like the WHOLE conference from last year. New award from Odawa Area, recognize leaders who have 3+ years of service. Might have a presentation on May 1. Criteria announcement is pending. Beavers had sleepover. Slept in cardboard tents. Everybody had their own. Got the boxes from Fred Guy who does the deliveries for Sears. Sledding party Upcoming Winter Beaveree Feb 9 ice sculpture visit to winterlude. Parents to transport youth. Linking with Cubs New leader, Catherine K.. Needs to get paperwork and review. Val and Steve have their PRC, need 2 neckers to invest. Cubs see attached Scouts Maple Leaf brass band, Coro Vivo Christmas party Rock climbing, indoor @ Coyote gym New leader, Karen Soussi. upcoming winter camp @ Apple Hill for 2 nights. Cubs will be there so will do some linking. Military sleeping bags, quincies, tents. Practiced the quincies. Camp Tam. for Feb 15, $430 for the weekend. Cross-country ski weekend. Accounting of revenues from Brass Band and Coro Vivo completed, so will be able to split evenly between Group, Pack and Troup. This was rather than trying to separate Band to GrpComm and then splitting Coro Vivo between Pack/Troup. Make the calculations a lot easier. Venturers not present Training WB I coming up, Feb 5-6-7 @ OUC. Linking need to do at least 3 between any of the combinations Christmas Trees $442 profit from the trees need to start sooner to pump up the volume get a Fund Raiser person to act as primary and advertising (e.g. Odawa site) get a local supplier, as current one was in Petawawa Web Site (Roger) leaders have links to web site and accounts for entering information 8thorleans.ca is our domain. Can create up to 200 email addresses. Some have been configured for the groups and main contact people. One area on static content to give an overview More active area for posting events, messages. Parents/youth will be able to go there to read the content. Cost is minimal, as in ~$1/month. The cost varies depending upon amount uploaded Once each section has content, they can communicate to parents. Each section needs to supply list of leaders to Roger with email address. Motion: УAn allocation of up to $50/year be allocated for maintaining the siteФ By Dave, 2nd by Peter H. Carried unanimous BP Banquet February 16th @ OUC Family event, potluck Backup is KD to provide some extra (Alan) 6:00pm Ц 8:00pm 6:00 Ц 6:15 get food set up 6:15 Ц 6:30 greeting, openings and group picture 6:30 Ц 7:15 eat 7:15 Ц 7:45 AGM group finance beavers cubs scouts venturers final words 7:45 Ц X cleanup AGM, need section to do a 3 minute report Sections supply list major events for 2008/9 year to Alan Inform and excite to summarize the 2007/8 year and touch on the current year slide show (Alan Ц projector), each section needs to bring their photos on CD or USB stick. Limit to 50 photos per section and will cycle of 5 seconds per. BP Campfire Venturers to organize Peter Smith has the 2009 burn permit for the campfire Religion in Life cancelled BP Sunday Ц Feb 22nd youth in uniform church to appropriately utilize the youth Shrove Tuesday Ц Feb 24th Area Council meeting will also be held here, 15 people Dave to be lead contact $500 advance from treasurer Leaders and Venturers for cooking 4pm Venturers for cleanup, with 3rd year Scouts Setup for 1pm, especially for sausages, tables, chairs, chafing dishes Box fan for ventilation Scouts 4:30pm Beavers and Cubs with families Serving 5:00 Ц 7:00pm Full uniform (tan shirts, neckers, dark pants, NO sashes) Group handout to distribute to all sections (one letter for BP Banquet, campfire, BP Sunday and Shrove Tuesday) Ц Peter Other Business Peter is lead for the Odawa Whitetail camp for April 24-26 Closing 9pm, right on time! }~Та╠═Ь ж ├ ┼ З Й Щ Ы  , А В а в ╢ ╕ 0▓│╓"║╝┼╚єї,f┐╧╥▐]f╪┌.0Ь▒┬╦▀сMS[k<AПлмїщїс┘╦┘└ї▓їщїщїщї▓їщїщїщї▓їсї▓ї▓їщїсїщї▓ї▓ї▓ї▓їщїщї▓ї▓їщї▓ї▓ї▓їсїh6Vh6V5Б>*CJaJh№,╬h№,╬CJaJh№,╬h№,╬5Б>*CJaJh№,╬CJaJh6VCJaJh6Vh6VCJH*aJh6Vh6VCJaJA/0;GS`m}~╠═╓√№ ! p q u ъ Ж С Ь ж ╞ B ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤°¤¤°°¤¤°°єєє°єє & F & Fм■B W w К └ , К г ╣  о п ╖ ;JSc╝·27DELm}а║├·ї········єє···їїїїє·єє····· & F & F├Zв░│╜╔╩╙Її¤34D_К╫  cъHД╓`···°°є°°є°°є°°єєєє°°єєєєєєєє & F & F`░╔▄▌ш№<LhЩй╣┐╟╧╘█хё,f│PQ]·їїєє····їїїїюююююююї·її·єє & F & F & F]sйк╗┼╞█ь1hАЬ┬ю5M[zР╩BCRНОП··°°·°°··°°············°°·°° & FПЧл줤¤,1Рh░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░░╨░╨ Р╨ЖЬ@@ё @ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAЄ бD Default Paragraph FontVi@є │V  Table Normal :V Ў4╓4╓ laЎ (k@Ї ┴(No List м,    /0;GS`m}~╠═╓√№ !pquъЖСЬж╞BWwК└,Кг╣оп╖;JSc╝·27DELm}а║├Zв░ │ ╜ ╔ ╩ ╙ Ї ї ¤ 3 4 D _ К ╫  c ъ  H Д ╓  ` ░ ╔ ▄ ▌ ш № <LhЩй╣┐╟╧╘█хё,f│PQ]sйк╗┼╞█ь1hАЬ┬ю5M[zР╩BCRНОПЧлоШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ЬАШ 0ЬАШ 0ЬАШ 0ААШ 0XАШ 0XАШ 0ААШ 0ЇАШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0 ААШ 0 ААШ 0 ААШ 0 ААШ 0 ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0№АШ 0№АШ 0№АШ 0№АШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0lАШ 0lАШ 0lАШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0 ААШ 0!ААШ 0"ААШ 0#ААШ 0$ААШ 0%ААШ 0&ААШ 0'ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААмB ├`]Пмм  4jU$Ь─5jUДт┼6jUф7jUд?═8jU─ї┼9jUd┤─:jU