2008-11-08 - Scouts Canada Food Drive

8th Orleans Scout Group - information from past events.

2008-11-08 - Scouts Canada Food Drive

Postby PeterSmith » Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:21 pm

Annual Scouts Canada Food Drive
November 8
all Loeb stores

Venturers were posted at the central sorting station and got to learn what tonnes of groceries looked like
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers were distributed around the Orleans Loeb stores to collect donations of goods and cash. Some stores had even done up grocery bags in varying costs to make it easier for people to donate.

Cash is considered best, as the food bank can utilize their buying power and $1 is worth many more when they purchase so much for the needy.
Posts: 454
Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:22 pm
Scouting Section: Scouts
Scouting Name: Scouter Peter

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