20171127 - Xmas Tree and Wreath orders due

Past events for Beaver Scouts Colony A (Monday nights - Orleans United Church)

20171127 - Xmas Tree and Wreath orders due

Last edited by PeterSmith on Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:31 pm, edited 0 times in total.

Monday November 27th

Please return all tree/wreath order forms and payments to the church at ~7pm for the Rovers to collect them.

Trees/wreaths to be delivered the morning of December 2nd. Please keep your orders within the Orleans area unless prior conscent has been provided.
ChristmasTreeCampaign_2017_OrderForm .docx (Preview Document)
order form
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Posts: 454
Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:22 pm
Scouting Section: Scouts
Scouting Name: Scouter Peter

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