October 19, 2015
Location: Bob McQuarrie Rec Centre
Time: 7-9pm
*** Scout Popcorn Order forms are due tonight
It's election night and the church is a polling station, so we'll head out and the youth picked the public swim over a hike.
7:00 - in lobby outside pool change rooms
7:30 - public swim
8:30 - getting changed
9:00 - parents pickup at lobby outside pool change rooms
Goal is to finish off the first requirements of the Aquatics and Paddling outdoor skills
We'll have relay races, challenges and play time.
What to bring:
- swimsuit, googles, towel
- mask/snorkel if you have one
- PFD (if you have one, as ones available at the pool)
- $ to pay pool fee ($1.95 for youth)
Also due tonight are your Scout Popcorn order forms
- pass those to Scouter Peter