Our winter sleepover will be on January 2nd at the church starting at 6:30pm with pickup at 9am the next morning.
Items for Beavers to Bring:
fresh clothes for the next day
sleeping bag with pad
sleeping buddy/pal
snowpants and outdoor gear
indoor shoes
Things not to bring are snacks and toys.
Come dressed to play outside, we’ll start off the evening with some snow games.
The church will be locked after 8:30pm, so contact me at 613-277-8134 for emergencies or if you need to pick up your child early.
Planned Activities:
6:30 – 7:00 outside games (assuming snow )
7:00 – 7:40 indoor games
7:40 – 8:10 crafts
8:10 – 8:30 sleeping setup (separate boys and girls room)
8:30 – 8:45 campfire
8:45 movie
? brush-up and bedtime
~6am wake up time, later if possible
- pajama breakfast
- followed by brush-up
- change-up
- pack-up
More games prior to pick-up by 9am.
(I have attached the handout to this message)