Saturday April 16, 2011
Ray Friel Centre
6 - 8pm
This event has become an annual proving ground. The 3rd year Cubs will go with the Scouts and learn essential canoeing and water safety skills they'll need for participating in the 2 Scout canoe trips.
The Cubs will learn paddle strokes, water safety and have fun playing in the pool. For our 2nd year Cub, this is the practice round before the 2nd year canoe trip at the end of May.
Cost: $10 each to cover the pool rental and lifeguards
2nd and 3rd year Cubs
- PFD / life jacket
- paddle
- whistle attached to PFD
1st year Cubs
- PFD (there are life jackets at the pool, so don't go out and buy one unless needed for your regular family activities)
- paddle (optional)