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2012-10-13 Apple Day (Saturday)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:14 pm
by RogerWhite
Apple Day (9:00 until noon)

We will be gathering at the church and will send out teams to walk into the neighbourhood at 9:00am. The teams
will be made up of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers, Leaders and Parents. We will serve hot chocolate
at the church afterwards, and each participant will receive an Apple Day crest.

- wear your uniform with pride
- dress for the weather (necker on the outside of jackets)
- be on time
- bring a basket or bag for holding apples
- say Thank You whether you get a donation or not
- have fun!

Do Not:
- be late or out of uniform
- eat the apples until you're back at the church

Official information from the group can be found here: