We will been meeting at the north end of Bilberry Drive to have a small nature walk and to race the model sailboats that your youth decorated and built at last week's meeting.
This is a "rain or shine" event. Youth are advised to wear or bring rubber boots since it may be wet, and if it is raining I would advise rainjackets. Check back here if the weather looks questionable (ie. thunderstorm) for an update.
Here is a copy of the handout from the meeting last week:
April 27th, 2009 @ 6:15pm - Beaver Sailboat Races - Bilberry Creek
Next week we will NOT meet at the church as we are racing the sailboats that the beavers built tonight! We will meet at the very north end of Bilberry Drive, on the trail about 300 feet from the end of the road (just before the Ottawa River - as per the attached map)
The trail is in very good shape and is mostly gravel, but there may be muddy sections. RUBBER BOOTS are recommended and dress for the weather. There are NO facilities on site.
MAP: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s ... ted+Church)&daddr=Bilberry+Dr&hl=en&geocode=%3BFQgNtgId1nJ_-w&mra=ls&sll=45.483981,-75.526221&sspn=0.012442,0.021887&ie=UTF8&ll=45.480671,-75.53504&spn=0.012442,0.021887&t=h&z=16