2010/05/31 - Regular Meeting

Past Cubs Events
2009-2010 Scouting Year

2010/05/31 - Regular Meeting

Postby PeterSmith » Sun May 02, 2010 8:06 am

May 31, 2010
Where: OUC

Primary event is to hand out the Red stars (Blue for Colin) at this meeting. Means Aislinn, Michael, Robert and Colin are 6 Star Cubs. This is our last meeting before Advancement, so the last meeting as Cubs for the 3rd years. They'll join the Scout meetings for June, not to mention the end of year Scout Canoe trip.
Posts: 454
Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:22 pm
Scouting Section: Scouts
Scouting Name: Scouter Peter

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