Sixers' Council

Past Cubs Events
2011-2012 Scouting Year

Sixers' Council

Postby ChristopherRobinson » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:21 pm

Good evening parents of our new Sixers and Seconds,

As you probably already know, we invested Aidan, Ian, and Matthew as
Sixers last night. We also invested Angus, Derek, and Ethan as
Seconds. Effectively they provide leadership to their Sixes (small
groups of Cubs). It’s important to give Cubs a chance to learn and
practise leadership under the guidance of adults who understand their
individual capabilities and limitations. We know that they’re still
youth and the expectations of their leadership are tailored
accordingly. Effectively this is a learning position and not a
supervisory role per se. As an example, Sixers can help with
discipline in their sixes by reminding Cubs of expected behaviour. If
this reminder doesn’t work, it’s time for a Scouter (aka Leaders) to
step in. Hopefully the new Sixers and Seconds will enjoy their new
roles and find it both rewarding and interesting.

The Sixers’ Council is a regular meeting of leaders, Sixers, and
Seconds. The Council gathers to share ideas on future pack
activities, evaluate programs, and deal with issues of pack activities
and discipline. Members of the Sixers’ Council include Sixers,
Seconds and Scouters.

Sixer Council meetings provide opportunities for Sixers and Seconds to
develop leadership skills, and help them appreciate the importance and
responsibilities of their position. The Council gives Scouters an
opportunity to know our older Cubs and help their progress through
special personal instruction.

According to Program Standards, we should aim to hold Sixers’ Council
meetings about once a month after a regular pack meeting or on a
special evening at a Leader’s or Cub’s home. We could also have a
meeting at the OUC.

Sixers’ Council meetings are completely informal. Meeting topics may
include the following:

1. What program interests the Cubs;
2. Six or pack discipline problems;
3. Sixers’ and Seconds’ responsibilities in future meetings;
4. Coming programs and outings;
5. Evaluation of past programs; and
6. Community service; and more.

Given our guidance, these Cubs can develop and exercise their judgment
in pack matters within the limits our team establishes.

You will shortly receive a Doodle Poll to choose a date for our first
Sixers’ Council. We will discuss leadership roles and help the Cubs
adapt to their new roles. They will then have an opportunity to help
run an evening program (maybe starting with a game) on 28 Nov. Once
we have the date picked (and most of the Cubs are available) we will
choose a location for the Sixers’ Council. We'll keep it very casual
and provide some light snacks.


Posts: 30
Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:35 pm
Scouting Section: Cubs
Scouting Name: Past Akela (2011-12)

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