September 30, 2013
Location: OUC
After every camp, the subsequent meeting is dedicated to cleaning the equipment. Although we didn't have any food preparation, we'll still have equipment to ensure is in good order before being returned to the quartermaster.
Given this is the end of our first month, it is a great time to meet with the parents to discuss the Scouting Method and the schedule/plans for the year.
Busy night!
Diana - Commendation for being Akela
Louis - Commendation for Night Owl challenge (organizing troop and helping out at the event)
Peter - Commendations and Bar to Medal of Good Service for CJ13 Voyageur Contingent
*** The "Thank You" button on does work!
Youth checked out the tents from camp, just to be sure all was well
Parent meeting with Scouter Peter
CJ13 video by David Mallette (Venturer)
- 1st year Scouts will be eligible to attend CJ16 in Nova Scotia
Patrol names: Fiery Foxes, Flamin' Eagles, Wolfy Wolves
Troop A is now Troop A-Team
APL woogles handed out to the 4 APLs (Amanda, Brodie, Duncan, Julia)
Voyageur Leadership - Rebecca and Brodie
FAST - Duncan (was one short last week)
Pathfinder Outdoor Skills - Heather
Sorry, we ran 10 minutes late but the youth really wanted to pick a name for the Troop and it was down to A-Team or Alpha.